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Bryn Van'Eetvelde

"Hey guys! I've got a great idea..." -Bryn Van'Eetvelde

Early life

Born on Olmadar 25th 2398 EC to Laucian Van'Eetvelde and Mother, minor noble figures and esteemed wizards in the Perluxian city of Eredh'bar widely liked locally for their charitable works and magical innovations in the fields of Transmutation and Illusion. Given Laucian's age as a human and elven social tendency to not bear children within centuries of one another, it was considered unlikely that Bryn was fated to have any siblings.

Like his father, Bryn underwent the ceremonial elfhood ritual to be considered a full mori'tani elf despite his half-human heritage. Those in attendance of the ritual noted a few minor differences from the standard ceremony. It is suspected that, his parents had studied the ritual's origins and were been able to adapt parts of it to revive it's original intent. It is possible that the ritual may have actually functioned to extend Bryn's lifespan beyond that of a normal half-elf, though not nearly to the extent of a full elf. Though this is unverified, and as rarely as the ritual is performed the updated practices have not been incorporated into standard practice in Eredh'bar.

Both his parent's being esteemed wizards and well loved in the community put great pressure on Bryn since birth to follow in their legacy: to learn the arcane arts and use them for the betterment other the community. He was started far younger than most in scholastic pursuits and spent little time mingling with other children his age. Instead, spending all of his time either in formal studies or in his father's home lab. Family relations also offered no children his age to socialize with, having no contact with Laucian's side of the family left only mori'tani, the closest in age to him being Cousin, a female cousin 52 years his senior.

Bryn did show aptitude for the arcane arts, but seemingly not in the manner he was being taught them. Bryn lacked the discipline and attention span needed to be able to recreate written spells, a repetitive and structured format. He did however quite easily pick up on spells when he was able to talk them through with someone, a more hands on approach. Unfortunately, given the social demand of his parent's they had little time to give such hands on lessons and all of the arcane tutors provide to him by his parents refused to compromise on their approach, not wanting Bryn to develop as a sorcerer instead of a wizard, a less cultured mage in their minds.

One of the things Bryn showed interest in was being in his father's lab was watching him do alchemy. It was not the growing or maintaining of the various different plant ingredients that Laucian kept that interested Bryn, but the actual process of breaking those ingredients down into distilled components, combining them together into colorful into colorful fluids. The often sweet smelling or visually interesting effects within the bottles fascinated young Bryn. It was also this pursuit that allowed Bryn to spend the most time with his father, often with Bryn even performing some of the most crucial steps to even complex potions. There was always high demand for magic potions and tonics of various types for Laucian to show him, and they counted it as arcane study. However, larger arcane manufacturing projects often drew his father away for weeks at a time, secluded in his lab. Such complex works and dangerous magics were no place for a child, and thus the time that would be spent learning alchemic trade from his father was instead used doubled up on reading arcane theories under his tutor.

Starting at age 8, in the hopes of instilling some discipline, Bryn was taught standard elven martial warfare techniques. But, as it would be, he was even less interested in this that in his arcane studies, and would instead sneak off and return to his room or somewhere in the house to play. After a few years of no success with various martial tutors, a new tutor, was able to entice him back to weapons training by showing him the Boomerang as if it were just a toy. Getting him interested in using that initially as a toy and only later as an effective combat weapon, he eventually gained Bryn's interest in general weaponry and was able to transition the class into some other simple weapons. When he finally tried to teach Bryn actual longsword techniques, he found that Bryn was not very proficient and usually ended up injuring himself on the blade. They instead switched the real thing for a simple staff to go over techniques, and Bryn never got far enough along in training to be ready to substitute the staff back in the real thing before he left home.


Death of father {3 years ago: 2419 EC / Bryn age 21}


-items taken from home

--some potions and spell components

--father's spellbook; Laucian's original spellbook from when he was still known as Edmund, a simple and well worn tome missing many original pages and supplemented with some other papers added back in. These spells had long since been transcribed into more formal spellbooks years ago. This book however contained more of Laucian's notes and theories as he developed those spells along his journeys as opposed to the later spellbooks which simply contained the spells in more categorized fashions.

--father's last Transmuter Stone: Laucian often created small stones infused with arcane power. By channeling energy into creating one, he could unleash that energy later for any number of amazing effects. Some stones were created for specific purposes in the process of creating various magical items, allowing the critical phase of their creation to be done more easily. Between projects, he would always have a general use stone whose ambient power granted some effect to its bearer. The last remaining stone made by Laucian had no specific purpose, but Bryn has not found it to contain any general use either.

--walking staff: A ceremonial walking staff created for Laucian that he always refused to use. It is of fine craftsmanship and features a golden owl at the top, representing the Van'Eetvelde family. At a young age, when playing in his father's lab, Bryn would treat the owl on the staff as a puppet and would have it go on pretend adventures, flying throughout the lab.

--Glamourweave Robe: This armor was a collaborative project made by both parents  for a client some years ago, that was never delivered. The client had a fall from grace, when it was discovered he was {DOING SOMETHING ILLEGAL/BAD} and was arrested. Since it was never to be delivered, though it had been completed, it had sat for years dormant and forgotten in a corner of the lab. Laucian had told Bryn what the armor could do, but not anything about the client whom it rightfully belonged to.

--1000 pp


Solo travel

-finding magic

--fell asleep in exhaustion after losing the final spell; had a horrific and weird dream that ended on the image of the Book of Shadows; woke up to find the book; never slept again



--early adventures: Early on taken in by a more experienced adventurer, {NAME + CLASS}. This person taught Bryn some basic adventuring things. They were together a few months somewhat successful in tackling random quests. They got into a job that was a bit much for them and this person died in an effort to rush to Bryn's side to protect him. Bryn was barely able to slay the {SOEMTHING}, but it was too late to save {PERSON}. Out of fear of their failure, Bryn left {PERSON} in the wild and fled the region, changing persona and his name for the first time since leaving home. Shamefully, before he left, he took {PERSON'S} magic boots, after having seen their effectiveness over the course of their adventures. 


--fake names: went through a few different names, personas, and adventuring groups all much more short lived and of less importance.


After months of careless spending, Bryn, then travelling as Qin'ro Gatasel, found himself running low on funds while with a different group. After clearing out a bandit den that had been harassing the locals, the group turned up very little and begin to head back to town. On the way out, Bryn noticed a sack in an unchecked corner. Opening it up, he found around 1500gp in various coins and gems, probably an entire year's worth of looting by the bandits across a network much wider that had been known. The job they were on barely paid 50gp each and any recovered loot was supposed to be returned to be redistributed to the community. Bryn grabbed the bag and ran to catch back up with the group. When he got to {NAME}, the defacto leader of the group, he had every intention of telling him what he had found, but the words didn't come. Instead he just said how disappointing it was they didn't recover anything for the people. Shortly after that job, Bryn left the group and headed opposite the direction he knew the others to be travelling.




Leaving Perluxia

Having spent time associated with various adventure groups, Bryn had found he was starting to make a name for himself, several in fact. And a number of those in the adventuring business knew him by several of his monikers. Knowing that at this rate, his heritage would become known, Bryn made the decision to leave Perluxia for Prim'terra where if such information did come out, it would be less likely to have any effect.

Arriving to The Drift aboard the SS Esess, an ordeal undertaken by only the most desperate of individuals, Bryn, then traveling as Trey'vaar Windamere, only planned on making a quick stop in the city on the way to Prim'terra. But while aboard the SS Esess, he had become one of the few souls to ever meaningfully interact with the ship's shadowy non-goblin resident. That person had suggested to him that The Drift would be a better hiding place than anywhere on Prim'Terra where a high-class half-elf wizard would stick out like a sore thumb.

Shortly after arriving, he found himself in possession of a letter bidding him to meet at The Calm Before the Storm tavern to enjoy the upcoming Halcyon Days festivities. Thinking it impossible that this message could be meant for him specifically, he attributed it as a marketing gimmick targeted at anyone arriving at port. Nonetheless, he decided to check it out as it promised a free meal.

(Campaign quests)


(death and time in amulet)


Bryn Van'Eetvelde (birth name - death of father)


Preferred weapon: boomerang

Carefree, short attention span


Farwain Na'vaul


Preferred weapon: simple quarterstaff



Aeceran K'tanti


Preferred weapon: {?}



Vakas Nallmin


Preferred weapon: {?}



Qin'ro Gatasel


Preferred weapon: single dagger



Petsalor Ondovaul


Preferred weapon: {?}



L'von Kelran


Preferred weapon: {?}



Trey'vaar Windamere

Ornate white robe with expensive detailing, ornate walking stick

Preferred weapon: Flame spell

Highly opinionated and very vocal about it


Ivellios Northwain

Leather armor, green cloak

Preferred weapon: pair of daggers

Reserved attitude

Bryn Van'Eetvelde
[KANKA no longer seems to allow me to insert pictures without an upgraded account?]

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Kovos Anavath

"He was a good man once, until about five years ago when he was the only survivor of a failed mission." -Ash'lorath Orianna 

Kovos was a commander of the proud Stormwatch military on The Drift. They were based in the Surge district, and managed the prison known as the Keelhaul. He was often described as a good man, though in 2417 EC he was the sole survivor of a failed mission to transport supplies from a mine back to the city. He was assumed dead for a month before he returned, barely able to swim.

After that he became colder and more strict in what tasks the Stormwatch took seriously and became a close advisor of Zeddes Nezarsath, the city's Sea baron. It would later be revealed that Kovos had indeed died on that mission, as Pestra Marrowspit had captured, tortured, and transformed him into a Deep Scion to further her goals in the city as the scion was able to shape change back into Kovos and kept all of his memories.

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During the Epoch of the Builders, the World Serpent unraveled itself into its three Aspects in order to better observe, protect, and guide the diverse cultures that sprung up from its blood. Two of those Aspects, Shekinester, and Jazirian, would later rebond and produce the child Parrafaire who took after his mother Shekinester. After the jealous Aspect, Mershaulk-sseth , consumed Skekinester, Parrafaire took up guidance of the naga culture.

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Kirk Hodges 1 year ago