I've never done this before... do you think there's a class for it?

Girl who came into her powers spontaneously, and decided to take up a heroic mantle. However with no connection into the life of heroes, she finds herself struggling to balance the mask of a normal girl and a champion of the people. Between all the responsibilities of her civilian life, and heroics... You might say her greatest power is stretching herself too thin without snapping. Not yet, anyway.

A little bit of an overachiever and planner she has lofty goals. She joined the student council to follow in the footsteps of her older sister and personal hero, Rose Davis, to make the world a better place in both her civilian and heroic identity. Works as a barista at Dom's Donut Shoppe, she intended to quit after summer but was convinced to stay part-time.

Has her mother's diary and reads through it from time to time.

Art: Default Janus from Masks: A New Generation, by M. Lee Lunsford