Benith (N female gnome bard 3/rogue 1) was once an up-and-coming member of House Sivis working in the Notaries Guild offices in Sharn. Though she was gifted at scribing, her true talents seemed to lie in politics, and she navigated the complicated bureaucracy of House Sivis as deftly as an acrobat on a tightrope.

Although she is a distant cousin of Lysse Lyrriman d’Sivis, no member of Benith’s family has ever borne a dragonmark, and that turned out to be an unavoidable obstacle in her career path. She grew frustrated as positions of importance and transfers to the main enclave in Zilargo were repeatedly given to lesser scribes who happened to have dragonmarked relatives. Eventually she resigned from the guild and renounced all ties to House Sivis.

Less than a week later, Benith opened Denithki and Associates, a private licensing office that took advantage of her knowledge of Sharn’s bureaucracy and connections within the Notaries Guild to help clients secure even the most difficult-to-obtain documents and licenses. The vast majority of the work done by Denithki and Associates is legitimate and completely legal. However, Benith occasionally takes commissions to create falsified documents, using her intimate familiarity with House Sivis’s practices and materials to make almost perfect forgeries.

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At the heart of Droaam, a vast mountain dominates an otherwise flat and fertile plain. According to legend, the Great Crag was torn from the earth during the war between the Dhakaani and the daelkyr. Today, the ruins of a goblin city are scattered across the plain, and ancient passages honeycomb the mountain.

For thousands of years, the crag was shunned by the creatures of the region, but the Daughters of Sora Kell have made the mountain their seat of power, crafting a bizarre, sprawling city within the ruins. The blocky stonework of ogres stands next to perfectly restored Dhakaani architecture. Harpies and gargoyles roost in the heights, with goblins and kobolds living beneath them in makeshift tents. A good number of monsters prefer to serve the hags rather than their local warlords, and the resultant influx of population has seen the Great Crag become one of the largest cities in Khorvaire.

Despite its size, the Great Crag is a city of limited sophistication. Many services are difficult to find, and Tharashk is the only dragon marked house that maintains an enclave in the city. Weapons are easy to come by, since the city’s smiths constantly churn out goods for Droaam’s mercenaries, and sport can be found in the brutal arena where creatures that defy the hags are sent to die. The city contains temples to the Shadow, the Mockery, and other grim deities, but shrines to the Sovereign Host and the Silver Flame are unknown here.

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