1. Organizations

Government of Karrnath


King Kaius III rules the nation of Karrnath. The greatgrandson of Kaius I, son of Jarot and first king of Karrnath after the collapse of Galifar, Kaius III has held the crown for less than a decade. He ascended the throne upon his twentieth birthday, taking over from his aunt, the regent Moranna, who had been ruling since the unexpected death of his father, King Jaron, shortly after Kaius III was born.

Karrnath suffered heavy losses during the course of the Last War. For all its military and naval might, widespread famine and rampant disease might have ended Karrnath’s bid for power before the third decade of the war was over. Thanks to its necromancers and corpse collectors, however, Karrnath was able to field a powerful army of skeletons and zombies even when its living forces became depleted. The royal family has weathered a number of setbacks and threats to the crown over the years, always coming through with the support and confidence of most of the nobles and vassal lords. As for the people of Karrnath, they might not have loved all of their rulers, but they always feared and respected them. A fierce patriotism, flamed by slogans and a constant call to arms, kept the people focused on winning the war despite the hardshipsand suffering they had to endure.

Descendants of Galifar, the royal family of Kaius ir’Wynarn rules Karrnath. The blood of Kaius I flows through a powerful extended family that oversees all government and military functions. The next tier in status, the nobles, have become warlords over the course of the last century, serving the crown as generals and admirals, as well as overseeing the land their titles grant them. Since the time of Kaius II, the warlords have been kept in line through harsh treatment and the use of force. The new king, Kaius III, has begun to make overtures to change this practice, though he has shown a remarkable ability to perform whatever action is necessary to maintain control and keep his plans on track. While he hopes to keep the trust of his nobles and receive their support willingly, he uses force when such action is required to demonstrate the power and position of the crown.

Though Kaius III has shown some desire to transform his nation along more progressive lines, it remains a military dictatorship ruled by hereditary monarchs of Galifar blood. Royal mayors govern towns and cities. Royal ministers oversee departments that handle all aspects of government and foreign affairs. Laws and regulations promote a society where might makes right, and while the Galifar Code of Justice provides the basis for civil rights in Karrnath, the Code of Kaius that developed from it is more rigid and less forgiving. Indeed, the nation has labored under martial law since the earliest days of the Last War.

Source: Eberron Campaign Setting

Law and Order

Karrnath is governed by the Code of Kaius, a far harsher and more authoritarian variation of the Code of Galifar. Martial law places near-absolute power in the hands of local commanders; Karrnathi citizens accused of crimes do not have the benefit of a jury or an independent judiciary like their peers in Aundair or Breland. Since the end of the war, most of the nation has lifted its curfews and other strict restrictions on the freedom of movement, but not every count has fully transitioned away from wartime law.

Source: Cultures of Karrnath


Karrnath is divided into eight duchies of varying areas and populations. While they all share the characteristics described previously for Karrnath as a whole, the nation’s size has fostered the growth of regional distinctions and subcultures. 

In theory, Karrnath’s government is structured as a pyramid—King Kaius III sits at the top as ruler of the nation. Each Warlord rules a duchy and owes direct fealty to the king. Duchies are divided into counties which are ruled by counts and countesses, and then counties are divided into reeves which are administered by crown reeves. Realistically, the warlords vary in their fealty to Kaius; while they fulfill their obligations of raising troops for the crown, they use all other forms of support as leverage to achieve their own political ends. The combined actions of Moranna and Kaius over the last half century have destabilized Karrnath’s political landscape, with more than one warlord seeing the throne as within reach if they navigate the conqueror board just right.

Source: Cultures of Karrnath

Sibling Exchange

As part of the exchange of relatives with the other Five Nations, Kaius has sent his younger brother and sister, Gaius and Haydith, to the courts of his neighbors. Gaius is in Thrane, studying with the Keeper of the Flame, while Haydith has found a place within Breland’s royal household.

Bastion of Frozen Flesh

Used primarily as hidden defenders, a Bastion of Frozen Flesh consists of undead corpses that appear inanimate most of the time, but instantly activate and attack when they sense the presence of a living creature within 30 feet. Karrnathi forces often bury a Bastion of Frozen Flesh in shallow trenches a mountain pass or along a trade route where they expect enemies to pass. Here the corpses can wait indefinitely until activated. On rare occasions, the bastions are used offensively, smuggled into enemy cities or—in one highly publicized attack—even dropped from low-flying airships into populated areas.

The Hand of Karrnath

Source: The Forge of War

A Hand of Karrnath, consisting of four undead operatives, is an elite group that answers directly to Regent Moranna ir'Wynarn. These groups took to the field of battle at times, but their primary purpose during the Last War was assassination. The last of these forces were supposedly destroyed on a mission to Cyre during the Day of Mourning, but rumors of their continued activities circulate to this day.

Avlast: LE male ghast fighter 2, MM 119.

Shiril: LN female wight rogue 2, MM 255.

Lavro: LE male mummy, MM 190.

Mathir: LE male ghoul adept 4, MM 118.

All characters that are members of this organization.