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The Location of the Monster Hunter school on the border between The Dragon Empire and the Dwarven Kingdom


Tarkett is a relatively  small but bustling market town, in the lowlands that divide the two ranges of the great peaks. With adequate water sources, rich and fertile soil with an expanse of surrounding alpine forest, it is a tranquil, and productive place.


Wool, wheat and wood are the main trades within Tarkett, but due to its unique underground well system, the water from the Honey Wells is the sweetest to be sampled.


At its center stands the Tarkettian Guild Hall, a four story slate tile building that dominates the local landscape. The Charters that have helped to build the massive structure include the Shear value: Wool Merchants; Mine your head: Coal and Ore Limited; the Wheat Whipers and the Independent Hunters Union.


Following in size, but not centrality, the Temple of the Knowing lies to the East, a proud but modest stone affair while the Honeywine Inn reflects its location on the Western entrance into the town.


Joining the two centers of the community is a very undefined but exceedingly vague Market and Residential Quarter. With what were once houses, that have been built upon one another time and time again, over many generations in all directions; the overall result is a busy, disorderly jumble of timber, tile and thatch that only adds charm and to some of the western worshippers, a very long shortcut home.

The forecourt of the Market and Residential Quarter is famous for its fine woven woolen undergarments, in all shapes, sizes, colours and qualities



Obtained in 1367 of the 13th Age, a royal charter was granted to Master Azchek Tarkett to officially register the settlement of Tarkett into the Imperial Legislation and Dhoomsday Book.

This gave Azchek the title of first Guild Master, and the right to legally hold market days, to distinguished it from other villages and hamlets in the region. In addition, it formally accepted its Guilds into the Dragon Empire, giving their members royal sponsorship.


It is recorded that upon the day that Master Azchek Tarkett received his Royal Charter from the Emperor, he held the first Counsel:


"After very deep consultation my dear council, i have thought about about this land; how is it occupied?, and by what sort of men, Dwarves or Halfling abode here? Then he sent his men over all the lands around Tarkett, into each shire; commissioning them: "How many hundreds of hides were in the shire, what land the do we represent? and what stock upon the land; or, what dues he ought to have by the year from the shires."


Known as Tarks, Tarkians or Barky Tarkys; and with a population of over 220000; there are three main demographics to be seen in the standing populations. 


Tall of stature, long of hair and broad of shoulder, the loosely define Alpians are loosely affiliated human families within the town, comprising exterior farmers, herders, hunters and their handlers. Their number is distributed evenly between the outlying areas of Tarkett and in the center, as those who source their wears must also cure, process and trade it. A notable portion makes residence in the Western side, due to its proximity to the Old Road, the Wool Mill and the Honeywine Inn]">Honeywine Inn.


The second main component that comprises Tarkett is its Dwarven clans. Two renowned clans have established Hoard Houses within the Mine your head: Coal and Ore Limited's Chapter, The Broadbeamsand the Futhargd. Mainly located in the center and towards the the Temple of the Knowing, The importance of these two Houses are not lost on the town, as it signifies the coming together of two Clans from opposite peaks. 


The last significantly distinct group that make Tarkett their abode are a close knit, but highly populous Smattering of Halflings: the Fugesand half cousins the Fuugs. Jovial, light footed and exceedingly shrewd, this section of the Tarkians are employed in all walks of life, and are usually to be found as inbetweens, or provacators between members of the Alpines families and the Dwarven Clans.


Within each of the three majorities are the usual classes of working, mercantile and fabrication class, however a rising number of wealthy individuals of Dwarvish descent seem to be creating a new Upper class. What is good for the weavers and gem smiths may not be as beneficial for those tending the land; but only time will tell.



With Trade being its center, Tarkett is focused on a mercantile model. Each charter house is comprised of representatives, known as Guildsmen, one from each of the various companies that comprise that chapter. The Counsel sits as the authority of the Guilds, and is headed by each elected Guild Master, the Mayor, the Protector General and Master Cleric. Notably, the position of Judicant is vacant, and the High Priest has stopped attending in recent months.


Tax is deducted after each trade completed, a wares tax on large storage and an area tax upon the dimensions of buildings and/or land. 


Those who are caught breaking laws, or worse avoiding tax, are punished by the Judicant, but in her absence, the Protector General has assumed these responsibilities.


Tarketts laws are simple on the surface, but hide bureaucratic twists and turns that could colour even the spryest clerics eyebrows gray, both tact and cunning are recommended in both dealing with the law, and trades within the Town.



500 standing Guilds men conscripts - Mostly Dwarven with a section of Human bowmen.

Tarkettian Guild Hall

The Four Pinnacles

The West Gate

The Eastern Stone Gate

Barky Tarkies standing Arky - Militia - Halfling slingers and Human farm hands



With an extensive water supply and a thriving Dwarven population comes great stone fountains, aqueducts to each of the mills and a sturdy flagstone road system. But patient and sturdy stones work meets the furious farming of the Haflings Smatterings, meaning vibrant flower banks, trees in the oddest of locations and ingeniuóus rooftop allotments. Nature and Mortal really come together to create beauty in Tarkett



The Tarkettian Guild Hall General Guild Store, Cats Cuirass, Flints Fineary, The Old Stone Bakery, Woolheads Woolens, Honeywine Inn, The Old Road, The Emporium,