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  1. Characters
High Mage of the Tarkett Monster Hunters Guild
NPC, Monster Hunter

Pearl was born in Valitores during the Years of the Trees, or the First Age as it is known to modern day scholars. Much of Pearl's story is confusing, and there are several distinct tales told about her collected in the Summoned Tales. According to the oldest account, Pearl was an eager participant and leader in a terrible rebellion motivated by her desire to one day rule over all of Mundis.

Is this true? many question the veracity of the claim. But none may doubt her power.

Absent-minded – Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of her immediate surroundings, Pearl is seance and a source. Apart from being the longest lived and most renowned of the Masters within the school, her abstracted explanations, her daydreaming, inattentive and oblivious expressions and not least her real time forgetfulness has at times cause real tensions between adepts and clients.


Don't let this fool you, she is a skilled as she is deadly, and her mastery of the arcane is only surpassed by her knowledge of the Demon Bestiary


Specialites: Arcania, Magical Forms, Use of Magic against monsters

Associations: Grand Master Vacek Polyakov, Books        Dissociations: Things that aren't books