On the isle of Aerenal, the line between life and death is blurred, and the living converse with the dead. They offer their prayers to no distant god, but rather to their ancestors. Most of these ancestors are long deceased, but their spirits watch over the elves of today, acting as guardians to their family lines. Some of the dead have not departed, though, and walk Aerenal still. This combination of spirits and the animate dead is the Undying Court: counselors, protectors, soldiers, and gods to the elves of the island. This religion is like no other in Eberron, misunderstood and feared by many, yet it has produced a population more universally faithful than most “civilized” cultures.

The Aereni faith is not rigidly codified or quantified as are many other religions, but if their primary doctrine were to be summed up, it might read something like this: Existence is a spiritual journey requiring far longer than a single lifetime. Only the Undying can ever truly learn what great wonders lie at its end.

Thus, the elves of Aerenal do not fear death. They welcome it as simply a new stage of the spiritual journey. To the Aereni, no greater honor exists than to be accepted for the Rites of Transition, to become undying and to remain on Aerenal to continue the journey and to watch over their descendents. In living, they try to prove their worthiness for this great honor. Some adopt mannerisms to mimic the dead, even painting and mutilating their bodies to appear so. Others lead lives of great spirituality, honoring the Undying Court and serving their fellow elves to the best of their abilities. But the fullest devotion to the Undying Court is devotion to one’s family, for the Court is composed of one’s ancestors. Aereni families are insular, keeping to themselves where possible, marrying within the line and focusing their worship and devotion on the ancestors and undying of their own blood. Thus, worship of the Undying Court changes—sometimes dramatically—from region to region and family to family across the isle.

The Aereni treat the undying in their midst as revered counselors and holy figures. Although the undying counselors are not the secular rulers of the nation—that power is reserved for the Sibling Kings— their advice is heeded by even the most powerful of elves. They are mouthpieces of the divine, and they possess the wisdom of many generations. Even the undying of families other than one’s own are revered, although not to the same degree; showing disrespect to the undying is a sin, and such an offender never receives the Rite of Transition.

While the Aereni honor and love the undying, they despise the undead. The Undying Court is empowered by positive energy, and its members do not feed off the living to survive. True undead are a corruption of this order, a violation of all laws of nature and spirit, and are to be destroyed. An Aereni who becomes undead is the worst of all abominations, a blight on the world and the Undying Court.

The honored, undead ancestors of Aerenal rule the elven nation and shape their people’s destiny. These undead—known as deathless—despise evil undead, nurture an ancient grudge against dragons, and pursue the fulfillment of ancient prophecies.

All characters that are members of this organization.