The ancestral home of House Sivis, Korranberg has long been a seat of learning and a haven for folk who love the written word. The offices of the Korranberg Chronicle are located in the Bookbinder’s Quarter, along with a diverse range of scribes, printers, and the finest cartographers in Khorvaire. Old scrolls, maps, and weathered tomes can be bought and sold in the quarter’s Paper Market, and explorers and adventurers make up a sizable portion of the clientele here.

Nestled against the base of the Seawall Mountains, Korranberg is the oldest city in Zilargo. Many aristocrats of other nations come to study in the famous library and the gnome colleges of Korranberg. The ancestral citadel of House Sivis is located here, as well as a host of temples including the Codex Vault, Khorvaire’s largest shrine to Aureon.