1. Events

Restless Night


This is the night of the year when Lutheria’s influence over dreams is strongest. Any being, mortal or fey, who sleeps this night risks falling prey to Lutheria’s machinations. Most commonly this takes the form of horrifying nightmares, causing the dreamer to wail and scream as they live out some of their worst fears in their minds; but for others, it can be much more dangerous, with Lutheria and her minions taking control of the sleepers body in order to commit depraved acts.

To protect themselves from this, most inhabitants of Thylea attempt to forgo sleep for the night, instead gathering in small groups to tell stories and sing songs to keep themselves awake. In contrast, those who worship Lutheria take no such precautions, and are happy to fall asleep and succumb to the whims of the Lady of Dreams, creating havoc as they sleepwalk around.

Any gatherings in cities are usually fairly small, occurring fairly quietly behind locked doors so as not to draw the attention of any of Lutheria’s ‘sleepwalkers’: but in villages that have no worshipers of Lutheria, and that are not close to any cults dedicated to her, they can be much livelier affairs, more akin to all-night festivals.