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  1. Characters

Ashidaka Naritoki

This character is dead.
Assassinated Emerald Magistrate

"MEMOIRS OF AN OPIUM EATER": Nineteenth Year in the Reign of Hantei XXXVIII, Seventeenth Day, Month of the Dog

There was a great celebration today for the birthday of the Governor's son, Shosuro Jocho (P2). Every noble in the city attended, dressed in their finest garments. It was a magnificent sight.

I was paid a pretty compliment by an older man in Crane clan colors. He told me he had read several of my poems and was deeply touched by their sincere sentiments. I was so flustered that I didn't even think to get his name. I later found out he was Ashidaka Naritoki - Ryoko Owari's Emerald Magistrate!

I wonder if he has shown my verses to the Emerald Champion? That could get them read by the Emperor himself! But I'm surely being a foolish little girl if I raise my hopes so high... but shouldn't one hope for the best?

"MEMOIRS OF AN OPIUM EATER": Twentieth Year in the Reign of Hantei XXXVIII, First Day, Month of the Horse

Today I saw the most singular and disturbing thing. I was in the market on the way to visit my Dear Friend, when I heard a great commotion. A heimin dashed around a corner and shoved me rudely out of the way, but before I could even shout, a horse had turned the corner at full gallop.

Riding the horse was Ashidaka Naritoki, the local Emerald Magistrate. He had a long horsewhip in his hand, and when he had closed the distance, he struck the heimin and knocked him to the ground. The heimin tried to stand, but Naritoki's horse reared and made as if to trample him, and he fell back. Naritoki leapt to the ground and grabbed the criminal by the arm.

I didn't see what he did next, because Naritoki's two chief retainers, True Word (P33) and Ample (P32) rode up then, panting. They too dismounted, and soon the criminal's hands were cuffed behind his back.

I supposed then that they would carry him off to the Civil Hall (L7), but they did not. Instead, Naritoki said something to Ample, and the criminal turned pale. Ample got a rope from his saddlebags while Naritoki put his hands to his mouth and called out "Gather round! Come, all of you! Behold - the fearsome ninja!" (T3).

As he said that, his prisoner gave a great groan - and well he should, for Ample had tied a rope to his handcuffs and looped the other end around the drain of an overhanging roof. As Naritoki called us to watch, Ample pulled the rope and hauled the man into the air - by his wrists, which were bound behind his back.

"This is the man who burgled the house of Yasuki Nobuko (P24)!" the magistrate cried. "Now you can see the face of the ninja you fear!" With that, he took his whip and gave the man a ferocious lash.

"Where are his vanishing tricks now? His miraculous escapes? His supernatural powers?" With each question, Naritoki lashed the prisoner, who cried out piteously. Naritoki's face got  redder each time he shouted and struck.

"One would think he was no more than a man! A man who thought he was clever! A man who broke into the home of his betters, and robbed them, full of contempt for the Emperor and his laws!A man sure that he would get away! Well, good people, let me assure you - he will not escape this time!" He had been punctuating each statement with a blow, and with  this last statement he flew into a veritable frenzy, lashing the man until he was flecked with blood like a rain-dappled pond. He only stopped when he was winded, and then he nodded to Ample.

The great ronin pulled on the rope, hauling the prisoner higher and higher - and then he let go. I could not watch, but I still heard the crack as his head struck the cobblestone street.

"There are your ninja," Naritoki said, and spat on the body. Then he mounted and rode off without a backwards glance.