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Themes can be viewed in a similar way to classes, but rather than being the primary source of a character's abilities, a theme allows characters to specialize and learn certain skills faster than others. Each theme represents a distinct path or area of expertise that a character can choose to follow, shaping their abilities and role in the world of SwordScape.


Bards are versatile performers and storytellers, capable of captivating audiences with their musical talents. They possess a wide range of skills, including music, magic, and social influence. Bards excel in inspiring their allies and manipulating emotions, making them valuable assets in both entertainment and combat.

  • Dancer

    • Dancers are graceful and agile individuals who harness the power of movement and rhythm. They use their skillful footwork and precise gestures to mesmerize and confound their foes. Dancers are adept at both melee combat and providing support to their allies through their captivating performances.

Beast Knight

Beast Knights have a special connection with animals and are able to bond with and fight alongside them. They form powerful partnerships with their animal companions, enhancing their own combat abilities and unlocking unique synergies. Beast Knights are fierce warriors who can call upon the strength and instincts of their animal allies.


Healers are dedicated to the art of mending wounds and restoring vitality. They possess knowledge of medicinal herbs, magical healing techniques, and the body's natural regenerative abilities. Healers provide crucial support in adventuring parties, ensuring the health and well-being of their allies during battles and expeditions.

  • Doctor

    • Doctors are experts in the field of medicine and possess extensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and various healing practices. They excel at diagnosing ailments, treating injuries, and developing remedies and potions. Doctors play a vital role in maintaining the health and longevity of individuals and communities.


Mages are practitioners of arcane, divine, and primal magic. They command the elements, harness otherworldly energies, and shape reality through their spellcasting abilities. Mages possess a deep understanding of the arcane arts and can unleash devastating spells or provide mystical support to their allies.

  • Druid

    • Druids are attuned to the natural world and draw their power from the forces of nature. They have a deep connection with plants, animals, and the elements, enabling them to shapeshift, commune with nature, and wield primal magic. Druids are guardians of the balance between civilization and the wilderness.

  • Priest

    • Priests are devout individuals who channel divine energies to heal, protect, and smite their enemies. They serve as intermediaries between mortals and deities, dedicating themselves to the teachings and ideals of their chosen god or goddess. Priests possess potent healing abilities and can call upon divine intervention in times of need.

  • Shaman

    • Shamans are spiritual guides and practitioners of ancient rituals. They commune with spirits, tap into the elemental forces of the world, and invoke the power of ancestors. Shamans provide spiritual support and guidance to their communities, utilizing their connections to the spirit realm to heal, protect, and perform powerful rituals.

  • Sorcerer

    • Sorcerers are born with innate magical abilities flowing through their bloodline. Their powers manifest spontaneously and are often tied to their ancestry or a significant event in their lineage. Sorcerers possess raw magical talent and can unleash powerful spells through their force of will and natural affinity for magic.

  • Warlock

    • Warlocks forge pacts with otherworldly entities, gaining access to eldritch powers in exchange for service or loyalty. They harness dark magic, make deals with supernatural beings, and wield abilities granted by their patrons. Warlocks have a unique connection to the realms beyond, allowing them to cast potent spells and manipulate arcane energies.

  • Witch

    • Witches are practitioners of ancient, nature-based magic, drawing their power from the natural world and the forces of the wild. They possess deep knowledge of herbalism, potions, and mystical rituals. Witches can commune with spirits, cast spells, and tap into the primal energies of nature to bring about both blessings and curses.

  • Wizard

    • Wizards are masters of arcane knowledge and scholarship. They devote themselves to the study of magic, diligently learning and unraveling its secrets. Wizards excel at spellcasting, using their extensive repertoire of spells to manipulate reality, control elements, and unravel mysteries. Their intellect and meticulous research make them formidable arcane practitioners.


Mystics are attuned to the unseen forces of the universe, delving into the realms of the mind and harnessing psychic abilities. They possess extraordinary mental powers, such as telepathy, precognition, and psychokinesis. Mystics explore the depths of consciousness, tapping into the hidden potential of the mind to shape events and influence others.


Outlanders are rugged and self-reliant individuals who have adapted to the harshness of the wilderness. They possess survival skills, knowledge of the land, and a deep connection to the natural environment. Outlanders excel at hunting, tracking, and living off the land. They are at home in untamed regions and can navigate through treacherous terrains.


Sages are scholars and keepers of knowledge, dedicating their lives to the pursuit of wisdom and understanding. They possess a broad range of knowledge across various fields, including history, lore, and arcane studies. Sages excel at research, analysis, and problem-solving. They provide invaluable insights and guidance to their companions with their vast intellectual prowess.


Thieves are skilled infiltrators, agile warriors, and masters of stealth. They excel in subterfuge, lockpicking, and disarming traps. Thieves can move unnoticed, strike from the shadows, and manipulate their environment to gain the upper hand. Their nimble fingers and quick thinking make them adept at acquiring valuable information and acquiring precious treasures.


Warriors are battle-hardened fighters who specialize in martial combat and the art of warfare. They possess exceptional combat skills, proficiency with a wide array of weapons, and unmatched physical prowess. Warriors can endure rigorous training, deliver devastating blows, and lead their allies on the battlefield. They are the epitome of martial strength and resilience.

  • Sentinel

    • Sentinels are protectors and guardians, tasked with defending others and upholding justice. They possess unwavering loyalty, strong defensive abilities, and an innate sense of duty. Sentinels excel at defensive tactics, shielding their allies from harm, and maintaining order. They are skilled in the use of shields, heavy armor, and defensive magic, making them formidable bulwarks on the battlefield.

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