1. Journals

They Call It Moonbreak

Setting Info

My memories of the end are very muddled. I remember the concern that we would not be able to make it far enough, that we would fail our mission. But my colonists survived and their descendants are alive, even if they do not think they thrive.

They call what we were running from 'Moonbreak.' While I am sure many moons were destroyed during this event, it seems like the term came from the people of Koyo Isu, or perhaps the Autarch herself. During the calamity, one of Koyo Isu's moons, Vo, came apart.

People think this moon's breaking is more significant than the others because they say that the dust of Vo--refined into glass--is a potent psionic enhancing drug and anagathic. I am unsure if it is literal bits of the moon, but the anagathic would explain why the Autarch hasn't seemed to age in nearly two centuries. A smaller contingency says that the Kadiri or even the Spire were held prisoner within the moon. This seems more dubious to me. 

But Vo's breaking was significant to the Autarch and the Koyans, and when she carved out the J6 boundaries and named it the new Nebayan Autarchy where no ReCo forces could have authority, she brought with her the name Moonbreak for the apocalyptic event that had killed millions across the sector. Over time, those under her rule have largely adopted the name, even if they are critical of the Autarch herself. They are usually more critical of others who have tried to name the phenomenon.

Outside the Autarchy, those who follow the Taalian pantheon discuss what happened in terms of the Weaver. Some of them say they think the destruction was the Weaver's web--which is, from my limited understanding of Daati and Hlanan theology, is the very fabric of reality--potentially caught something very awful in it that was thrashing around as the Weaver subdued it. Others say it may have been some sort of webquake due to damage or repairing her work of some even worse damage. Many deontologists in the Hlanan sect became either very depressed or very cruel depending on how they explained what happened.

I am not sure what my colonists thought of what we ran from--of all the tasks I was trained in, I was never one of the archivists allowed to maintain cultural artifacts. The name we used--the Wave--did not seem to me to be related to anything significant. I had always merely imagined a sound wave, or a destructive tsunami after an earthquake on a cosmic scale. Even on the seedship beginning to have my doubts about the human involvement in our journey. It is hard to remember now how much my doubts went beyond how different the Dreaming Technicians' sections of the ship were from where we were meant to be, but now...

After four years of living among modern humans, studying what I can and having studied what I could on the seedship, I have more doubts. These humans love to give things names, to have multiple handles on people. They seem to have difficulty working together for a future that is not that far off even in terms of their own lifetimes. I struggle to imagine even the Autarch committing the resources and energy needed to plan and build and fill and launch a seedship perhaps centuries after she started, hundreds of thousands of years before a destination was reached. And even though the Autarch is much more willing to entertain diversity than many others, I struggle to imagine her shepherding people onto the ship with no sign of culture or race or religion or creed in the name 'colonist,' no iconography, nothing to suggest if texts in the archives were there because they were sacred to them or recorded for posterity for some lost culture.

So I have come to question how much my colonists consented to their exodus. After my interactions with the Dreaming Technicians, they seem to be a good place to rest my suspicions on as organizers. The Outsiders the histories speak of seem slightly reminiscent of the Dreaming Technicians. If they are one in the same, though, it makes me wonder why the Dreaming Technicians stayed with the seedship on our voyage, but the Outsiders fled, ending the Age of Attendance, just before Moonbreak.