While physically not very large, the influence of Crinia is felt far and wide. Located in Val Luno on the northern bank of the Alba river, Crinia is a busy trade city that has amassed quite a bit of power and wealth due to the taxation of their trade routes, and exporting the resources gathered in the Swamps of Crinia.



The recorded history of the city of Crinia goes back at least two thousand years. It is believed that the city was founded by the long-gone Aregic Empire, which built a stone bridge across the Alba river at the site of the present-day city. This bridge, known as the Ponte Crinia, became an important trade route for the empire, and over time a small settlement grew up around it. As the empire declined, the city of Crinia continued to prosper, becoming a major trade hub for the surrounding region. Today, the city is still known for its strategic location and its control over the trade routes that pass through it.


From the south, goods from Helladris make their way through Ossus, to cross the Alba across the Ponte Crinia, the ancient stone bridge crossing the river. All these goods are inspected and taxed upon entry into Val Luno. Since many goods are headed to Aregis and beyond by the way of the Great Eastern Road, this has provided the city with considerable power.

From the east, riverboats travel upstream to Crinia from Port Sena, to switch to land transport at Crinia's docks. 

The Great Eastern Road passes through Crinia to circumvent the treacherous terrain of the Swamps of Crinia, leaving little option for trade besides passing through Crina and paying the price that comes with it.


Crinia has put their wealth to use to provide for their citizens, providing healthcare, education, food, and shelter. These benefits are only available for Crinia-born citizens, which has led to pregnant women generally being denied access to or passage through the city.

Relation to the Swamps

The people of Crinia have a complex relationship with the surrounding Swamps of Crinia. On the one hand, the swamp is a source of many of the city's most valuable resources, such as mushrooms, fibers, dyes, honey, and resin. These resources are essential to the city's economy, and many of the city's inhabitants make their living by harvesting them from the swamp. On the other hand, the swamp is also a dangerous and treacherous place, filled with poisonous creatures and hazardous conditions. As a result, the people of Crinia have a great deal of respect for the swamp, and many of them follow strict customs and rituals to protect themselves from its dangers. Overall, the swamp is an integral part of the city's culture and economy, but it is also a constant reminder of the dangers that lurk beyond its walls.



Crinia is led by a council, consisting of three individuals: the Bridgemaster (currently Leula Clearmoon), the Mayor (currently Zorxus), and the Master Merchant (currently Muuron).

The Bridgemaster is a powerful figure in the city, as she is responsible for collecting all of the taxes and income generated by the city's trade routes and exports.

The Mayor is the representative of the people of Crinia, and is tasked with ensuring that the city's citizens benefit from the city's wealth.

The Master Merchant, on the other hand, represents the interests of the city's merchants and traders and is focused on maximizing the profits of the city's trade and commerce.

These three individuals often find themselves at odds with each other, as they have competing interests and agendas.