1. Events

War of Shield and Spear


Table of contents

Raging for roughly 5 years, the War of Shield and Spear saw the various city-states of Erenen unite against the Shattered Spear invaders under the leadership of Amadeus Sinask and drive out the invaders.

Early Stages

The early years were mostly focused on recruitment and building strength in the Er Valley and Fradon Plains. The Shield had grown to be accustomed to hit-and-run tactics, which greatly diminished the ability of the Shattered Spear to keep a hold on regions further away from their main base in Heaton.

The trained hunters and archers of the Shield managed to make the Elenspine Woods practically inaccessible to Spear forces. This made the Fradon Plains a secure staging ground.

Setting Up The Pincer

In a coordinated strike, Amadeus Sinask managed to mobilize the people of the Whisperwoods and take Heastead in a pincer move, attacking from the north, east and south. Following that, he struck an allegiance with the Athard family in the west, taking foothold in Shireston.

The Final Steps

Having unified the various regions, Sinask struck towards the Heaton Vale in the Battle of the Vale, and finally secured victory after winning the First Siege of Heaton.