1. Characters
Lady of the Fields and Harvest

Nerwen is worshipped all over Iralas. She tends to be closely associated with nature, though not in the sense that Zepha or Sandail are direct representations of it; Nerwen is more about the interaction between nature and the sentient races.

She is commonly called the Grain-goddess, the Harvest Queen, the Protector.

Nerwen is often represented in human form as a robust, earthy woman, with rosy cheeks and a bountiful harvest of fruits and grains at her feet. She is associated with the deer, a symbol of grace and fertility, and is linked to the harvest and the abundance of the land.

Nerwen is commonly worshipped through acts of abundance and sharing, with devotees offering food and drink to her and to others in her honor.

Every harvest, large celebrations tend to be held in Nerwen's honor. She is also worshipped by healers and people of medicine, as it is the boons she watches over that get worked into medicine.


Nerwen's clerics tend to be of the Nature, Knowledge and Life domains. Her paladins are those of Devotion and of the Ancients.