1. Organizations

The Accursed Legion


Many years before the death of Kalak, a small band of escaped slaves, free people, and members of the Veiled Alliance staged an attack on the sorcerer-king Tectuktitlay, hoping to overthrow the ruler of Draj and bring an end to his tyranny. Unlike the heroes who slew the despot of Tyr, however, these warriors did not have the aid of a powerful artifact, and they suffered the consequences of being unprepared.

The attempt on Tectuktitlay began with a staged uprising in Draj. Few remember this event, though riots raged through the city-state for days leading up to the attack on the sorcerer-king. After the uprising was quelled, Tectuktitlay’s templars scoured the citystate for anyone who either participated or witnessed this rebellion, and had those people permanently silenced. During the second day of the uprising, three dozen rebels penetrated the Father and Master Temple and made their way to Tectuktitlay’s throne room, where he had been holding court. Members of the Veiled Alliance in the raiding party negated the Black Guard constructs for a short period of time, while a clan of jasuan knights held off the moon priests in the temple, leaving the invaders to face Tectuktitlay alone.

What transpired in that throne room would make any of Draj’s citizens believe that the sorcerer-king truly is a god. Tectuktitlay’s power devastated the invading force, but instead of slaying them outright, the sorcerer-king chose to torment them by placing upon them a terrible curse: They must wander the deserts of Athas forever, never finding shelter and never entering civilization again. The curse he placed upon the invaders, which eventually gained the name Accursed Legion, ensured that if any of them are killed, they would rise again days afterward to rejoin the legion. To guarantee that the legion never enters the city-states, he sent a monstrous creature of his own artifice, known as the Grim Lasher, to put the whip to them whenever they get too close to civilization or when they rest in place for too long.

Over the centuries, the sight of the Grim Lasher driving the desperate and bedraggled Accursed Legion across the sands has become something of a legend among dune traders. Many traveling merchants see the spectacle at least once in their lives, and these people spread the tale far and wide during their travels. As veteran dune traders and wasteland nomads tell anyone who will listen, despite the group’s noble origins, the Accursed Legion is dangerous. When one hears the thundering sound of their crodlus approaching, or sees the cloud of sand on the horizon, that means that the legion is near, and one should move away with haste. The legionnaires might once have had the best of intentions, but years of banishment in the desert have left them desperate for release from their curse, and they do what they can to break it. Some who have observed them believe that they have lost all sense of who they once were, abandoning their identities, their memories, and most of all their moral compasses—the Accursed Legion now attacks anything that crosses its path to vent its frustration at its own plight. If the ranks of the Accursed Legion have been thinned by losses, then those slain by the legion might rise from the dead the following day to join their killers in eternal banishment.

Despite the tales of the traders, some believe that the Accursed Legion can be saved. Members of the Veiled Alliance have carried on the work of prior generations by searching for a way to break the curse that Tectuktitlay has placed upon the legion. Some believe that the legion holds the keys to overthrowing not only Tectuktitlay, but also other sorcerer-kings; if freed from their curse, they can share knowledge that they possessed at the time of their failed assault. Others maintain that their deathless state indicates that Tectuktitlay has mastery over some form of shadow magic, drawn from the Gray to make the legion deathless, and that only when the curse is lifted will Tectuktitlay be vulnerable to defeat.

Warriors of the Accursed Legion

The warriors of the Accursed Legion once had names, identities, and histories. Now they are all in the same state of desperation, and their all-consuming curse has replaced much of what once made them unique.

The Accursed Legion is a desert legend that happens to be true. The legion consists of cursed warriors who roam the desert on crodlus, forever driven away from civilization by their curse. They are dangerous not only for their desperation, but also because when the legion kills a creature, it rises to join the legion.

A person sees the Accursed Legion only once in a lifetime in most cases, so a direct encounter with the legion is a rare thing indeed. Most encounters with the legion involve only warriors and their crodlus, who have been twisted by Tectuktitlay’s magic to leave trails of flame in their wake. However, some unlucky souls come across the legion at a time when the Grim Lasher is at their backs. Otherwise, the Accursed Legion is rarely encountered with other intelligent creatures.

Adventure Hooks

Here are some suggestions for ways you can integrate the Accursed Legion into your Dark Sun® campaign.

Veiled Alliance Secrets: When the Accursed Legion was banished to the desert, so too were some of the secrets that the Veiled Alliance had worked diligently to uncover—including the secrets behind Tectuktitlay’s Black Guard. Now, the only hope of recovering those secrets is to track down the Accursed Legion and find a way to break the curse laid upon them, at least long enough to get the truth out of legion members that were once of the Veiled Alliance.

Marshaling an Army: Taking on a sorcerer-king is no easy task. A band of heroes might be willing to stand against a tyrant, but a true rebellion needs soldiers to overthrow templars, and most citizens of the city-states are too cowed to be of much use. A group of heroes that frees the Accursed Legion from their curse, however, could find that the warriors of the legion are quickly restored to their former selves, and an assault on a sorcerer-king is just the thing to slake their thirst for revenge.

Unwilling Raiders: En route to a House Tsalaxa fortress and warehouse, the heroes spot the signs of the Accursed Legion on the horizon. The Grim Lasher is driving the legion toward the outpost, and only days remain to prepare for the inevitable clash between the fortress guardians and the Accursed Legion. The representatives of House Tsalaxa at the fortress offer the heroes a sorcerer-king’s ransom if they stay and help repel the legion—but the prospects of survival look grim.

The Grim Lasher

The Grim Lasher is a horrific monster created by Tectuktitlay to drive the Accursed Legion from one side of the burning desert to the other, never allowing the legionnaires to interact with civilization. The creature resembles a giant like those that live in the Sea of Silt, towering over the members of the legion and casting a long shadow. A hooded cloak flows behind it, and the cowl shadows a skeletal face. The creature wears a simple harness and loincloth for protection. The Grim Lasher carries a long whip made of thin flames, which it uses to punish the members of the legion that do not flee before it.

The Grim Lasher was created long before the banishment of the Accursed Legion, but Tectuktitlay had had little opportunity to use it before that event. The sorcerer-king used a captive giant as the subject of a horrific experiment that led to the Grim Lasher’s creation. Tectuktitlay slew the giant, then used a spirit that he had bound with defiling magic to reanimate the body, trapping the twisted spirit inside with strands of shadow power drawn from the Gray. The end result is an undead monstrosity animated by a corrupted spirit that Tectuktitlay trapped by using dark magic that only a few know how to manipulate.

The Grim Lasher has only one true purpose: to drive the Accursed Legion before it and to never let the legion enter a city-state. However, what few people know is that Tectuktitlay can still send new orders to the Grim Lasher from afar, bending the creature and the path of the legion to his will. The sorcerer-king has had little reason to do so over the years, but the legion has been used to ambush the enemies of Draj at the command of Tectuktitlay from time to time. What no one—not even Tectuktitlay—knows is that the spirit that animates the Grim Lasher has spent its imprisonment struggling against the bonds that bind it to the sorcerer-king’s will. Though it has yet to break free on its own, anyone who could dispel the power drawn from the Gray that binds the spirit to the Grim Lasher’s body could not only free the spirit within it, but also break the curse that chains the Accursed Legion.

The Grim Lasher is an undead creature that drives the Accursed Legion before it. The creature was created by, and is still under the control of, Tectuktitlay. The creature is an abomination of undeath that appears from time to time near the Accursed Legion, always driving the group away from civilization and across the desert wastes. Slaying the Grim Lasher is not easy, even for powerful creatures. Only those who know the true name of the giant whose body was used to create the Grim Lasher can ever truly defeat it; by uttering its name, a hero can make the Grim Lasher lose its ability to teleport to a safe location when in peril, forcing it to face down the hero or be defeated.

Mothers tell their children stories of the Grim Lasher to frighten them, and superstitious citizens refuse to travel outside the walls of Draj on certain days of the year, believing that the Grim Lasher is waiting to enslave them for all eternity. Despite the prevalence of these stories and superstitions, little truth is found within them. Truthful or not, however, citizens won’t be budged from their safe havens on days in which they fear the coming of the Grim Lasher.

All characters that are members of this organization.