
Rat friends ( a vibe)

Born into slavery on a (plantation?/compound/city state) was separated from parents when extremely young (don't remember them).

They have many scars all over their back, they also have scarring on wrists, ankles, and neck (where the manacles were)

wrist manacles are still present but San wants them gone but refuses help out of pride - they also may be magic to keep them on since they were a "successful" experiment

Was experimented on and has a (metal?) plate in their head that was part of an experiment to increase magical attunement/capabilities and/or magical influence/the ability to be manipulated.

Young adult/older teenager

After the experiment, their magical abilities ran out of control and destroyed the (plantation?/compound/city state) to the ground (likely killing a lot of people in the process).

Their magical powers haven't done that since but they're left with the ability to manipulate the elements by convincing them of a different reality. (manipulating/encouraging things to do what they want - like convince reality that its different - such as convince a lock that there's a key in it or convince a fire that its not burning and needs to blaze)

They have been living as a thief since they escaped capture after destroying the (plantation/compound/city state).

They use their magic to help them survive both as a thief and in general.

Have vowed to free as many slaves as possible and to dismantle the city states in whatever way possible.

Their current plan is to weaken the city states by stealing and redistributing intelligence and information so they fall apart from the inside.

Selected their own name, San.

special item - either something to do with the experiments - scrived piece of metal -  they were a part of OR a magic key (Clef) - (in the book the key unlocks any lock which includes the ability to step through different planes of existence in the book the key also can talk in their head)