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Starting their search for high enough level undead, the party slowly lowered themselves into the darkness of the Barrowmaze and started exploring. It showed its hand early with the first room they slamming down a stone slab, cutting Mandras off from the rest of the group and swamping him with skeletons. As the rest of his companions struggled to lift the door and circled around the room to see if there were any secret passages leading in, the oft-fiery dwarf, his infravision keeping his position from being utterly hopeless, hacked his way through the skeletons as their boney attacks bounced off his magical defences.


Eventually the adventurers were able to pry up the slab just enough for some to scramble underneath to join the fray. From that point on the party moved more carefully, pressing on south whenever they could and mapping as they went.

The first sound they heard as was laughter coming from behind them, and they hastily backtracked to find a large group crew of armed individuals readying to clamber up the rope. The two parties eyed each other warily, but neither seemed inclined to shed blood here. The strangers introduced themselves as the Outrides of Uleck, led by Rak Bloodshield, and informed the adventurers of a thudding noise coming from a room down the end of the corridor before heading back to the surface.

The party edged their way to that room, but could find no source for the tapping noise. Caution dripping from every pore, they crept through the room and beyond. Seeing vauge outlines of alcoves in the wall up ahead and fearing poisoned darts, they slipped into another room, but pulled up short at the sight of a dead body face down before a door at the other end. All they could hear was a rattling of something from the other side…