1. Organizations

Ulema of Lugh

Religious Order

The Ulema of Lugh is the religious order dedicated to the Lugh, god of light, arts and craftsmanship, sorcery and the synergy of cosmic forces.

The order is based in Hatterwol and is the source of authority and power of the Caliphate of Hatterwol which acts as the ruling party of the country. 

Their theology is based on the call to find the combined beauty in all things, and to elevate their existence through cooperation and collaboration. While they embrace and encourage a diversity of religions, their own practices and rituals are conducted under strict and closely guarded participation of the initiated.

  • A thematic image of the human embodiment of Lugh


An old painting of the Brilliant Basilica


An old painting of a prophecy of Lugh


a Lugh coin


The interior of the Brilliant Basilica
