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  1. Characters

Keppira d'Bear


"Things are going to get worse from here..." -Keppira to Zac

 The Bishop of the cathedral of Pharasma, Keppira’s stewardship over the city’s Gray District has kept the presence of undead at an all-time low.

A pale, older woman in her 60s. She has bright green eyes and wears a black cowl. 

The group told her about what they discovered at the church of Sarenrae. She told the group about a goddess known as the Pallid Princess. However, she was under the impression they have not been in Korvosa for some time. 

Keppira warned Zac that the Queen was up to something the night before the King's funeral. The group went to discover the execution of a girl who looked similar to Trinia. Keppira stated very clearly she doesnt trust the queen. See Trinia: the Execution for more details. 


See the contract on Ciodoru for more information on her past.