The orcs of House Tharashk have the Mark of Finding, a gift they use as prospectors, inquisitives, and bounty hunters. They are one of the younger houses, ambitious and energetic, and dragon shard prospecting has brought them considerable wealth. An alliance with Droaam has increased their influence, allowing them to broker the services of monstrous mercenaries and laborers. It might be the Mark of Finding that locates a vein of dragonshards, but it’s orc strength that recovers the precious crystals.

Over the years, a rivalry has developed between House Tharashk and House Deneith. Tharashk bounty hunters compete with the Sentinel Marshals of Deneith, and the Liondrake’s Roar has broken Deneith’s monopoly on the mercenary trade. Arrogant and ambitious, House Tharashk also seeks to increase its own influence among the dragon marked houses by taking House Cannith down a notch, particularly since Cannith’s once-prominent position has already been diminished by the catastrophe of the Mourning. To date, House Cannith’s need for the dragonshards provided by House Tharashk has kept this feud from escalating, but that could change.

House Tharashk carries the Mark of Finding, and its powers allow Tharashk heirs to track lost relics and living creatures alike. The ancestors of the house were savage hunters who drew on the power of their marks to track prey through the murky depths of the Shadow Marches. The spirit of the hunter lives on in the house today. Though one of the youngest houses, Tharashk possesses a vibrant competitive spirit that drives its efforts to increase its influence.