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Session 60: One-Eyed God

The story so far 2022-12-10

The party ventured towards the Hamlet School of Arcane Learning on Devinn's request, to find out more about the apparent possession by which he was affected. With the help of the principal of the school, Sorben Arkavir, the group learned that apparently Devinn was not possessed at all, or at least not in the traditional sense; instead, he seemed to carry within him a second soul, or a soul of which he was a reincarnation; different, yet similar. Some of the visions of Murk in the past were not visions at all, but memories of this other soul. After barely any deliberation, Devinn agreed on an attempt to unlock more of such, despite the principal's warnings.

After blacking out, he suddenly found himself back in the past, deliberating with Mercia, the pre-ascension Murk, on how to stop J'Lyhn. As an apparent last resort she decided that the so called One-Eyed God, was the only option for enough power, and they recruited a team of would-be heroes to approach it.

Arriving in the massive cavernous lair of the One-Eyed God, Yebraztos the Scrollkeeper, as was the name of the soul, and his companions found the gate to the inner sanctum closed. After having fought off a number of lightning-infused beholder-like creatures, they encountered a true beholder. This formidable creature was even beyond Mercia's magical might, but the group managed to convince the lord of this lair to call it off. The gates, however, were still closed. Thus Mercia and Yebraztos found out the terrifying secret to opening them; the sacrifice of two of their companions was apparently necessary.

Mercia left such deeds up to Yebraztos, and while one of the companions, Strocollaet the wood-blooded, sacrificed himself willingly, the other, Quickwind the caithuna, decidedly did not, and as such the Scrollkeeper became something far worse than a simple murderer; someone who murdered those that trusted him. Though his vile deeds proved to be enough, and the three of them that remained were granted an audience with the One-Eyed God. This creature was a truly gargantuan beholder, filling the space of the entire inner sanctum on its own. While still willing to help Mercia with her ascension, due to her prior refusal its price was one even she could only hardly stomach; the Scrollkeeper and the last of the trusted companions, Valor the tiefling. She and Yebraztos shared one last moment before he was crushed to death, one final roar of the One-Eyed God haunting Murk as she left, "Part of you has died here today, Mercia, you will never be complete again, do not forget it."