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  1. Characters

Ylia Bronzebottom

This character is dead.


Ylia Bronzebottom is a dwarf woman with a sturdy, cat-like build. She is short and stocky, with thick muscles that give her a formidable presence. Despite her physical strength, she is known to be a bit grumpy and is often slow to get out of bed in the mornings. She has long, silver dreadlocks that are double-braided, revealing a thin, gloomy face. Her amber eyes glisten within their sockets, and her smooth skin seductively compliments her nose.


Ylia is a nosy woman who is not afraid to speak her mind, but her grumpiness can sometimes get in the way of her social interactions. She is not one to shy away from confrontation, and she is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. Despite her gruff demeanor, she is also loyal and dedicated to those she cares about, and she will go to great lengths to protect them. She may be slow to trust, but once she does, she is a steadfast and reliable ally.