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Scurillians are unique among Caribduns, for they are the product of tampering by a kraken archmage named Tal Rathus hundreds of years ago. Rathus captured a number of the giant crabs found on so many of Caribdus’ shores even before the flood and experimented on them with a strange mix of elemental sorcery—and some say dark magic. The creatures gained true sentience and revolted against their creator.

Rathus died beneath their snapping pincers, but the “scurillians” were born.
These strange creatures have never been fully accepted by most of Caribdus, but the genius given them by Rathus makes them valuable accountants, scientists, navigators, quartermasters, and even mages.

Though most avoid combat, they are well-suited to it when pressed. In addition to grasping arms, hard shells, and telescopic eyes, they also have two sharp, vice-like pincers.

The crab folk are unsocial creatures and so do not form their own exclusive communities, but rather live in and among others as their work takes them. Scurillians do not couple well either and rarely “marry.” Because of this there are perhaps less than 200 of these creatures in all of Caribdus.

Names: Scurillians have single short names that always end with an “s” sound: Equais, Sachas, Kalsas, Weavas. Scurillians do not have last names.