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Crucius Xephira is the current Archdevil of the Seventh Layer of The Nine Hells, Maladomini. Crucius was born to the Lord of the Nine Hells and Valkyre Xephira sometime after the Beginning, shortly after his mother, Lady Valkyre Xephira became an Archdevil.

As their eldest child, Crucius is known as the Heir of the Nine Hells, though he is never expected to actually succeed his father and rule The Nine Hells himself. It is said that his main duty to see that of The Nine Hells which can never be broken, such as laws, contracts, and important documents of the Nine Hells are filed and stored both correctly and safely, guarded from would-be thieves.

Crucius' appearance is generally described as being that of an attractive man with jet black hair, sometimes with large horns and claws. Some have described his eyes as being like his father's, though others have disagreed saying that anyone who thinks that has never stared into the eyes of the Lord of the Nine Hells. Tieflings of his bloodline (Tiefling (Crucius)) may share some or all of these features.

Crucius is said to favour contracts with those who seek power for nefarious and evil purposes. It is said that his contracts are the source of the reputation that making a soul contract, whilst allowing access to great power, may also be their undoing in life if not worded carefully.

With the GM's permission, Crucius may be chosen as a Warlock patron as a Fiend. Regardless, the price for such patronage is invariably one's soul and perhaps more besides.