1. Quests

The Truth is Out There!


Loose threads Rockfolk seeking to steal recallers from guild members, mineral lickers from kobold mines(not directly related to quest), Giving Zikke her jar of cookies. 

Participants TACK-TICKAL Lynnette O’Farrel Skarn Bloodbitten Melanthios Halkias Rhuz Ultima 

Locations Nested Point Dragonscale Peak Stone's Warden

Short summary:

Dourdruck Druckdoor, a once believed crazy dwarf man, managed to convince the party to search three locations where rockfolk might be. Three whole treks leading to fruitless endeavors until the very tail end where a hidden cave system was found in the Kobold Stone Warrens. A rockfolk confronted us in a bear den where(thanks to a friendly kobold) we beat the life out of it.

Full Report

As we all gathered to meet Dourdruck he told us of his theory that the rockfolk had returned in secret and was plotting to destroy us all. I believed him at first while everyone seemed to dismiss him in someway. Our first destination was Nested Point where an elemental shrine once was. We found mudwretches who were none too pleased to see us, so we had to destroy them. The fight was tough on a few of my allies but I made sure they were healed up plenty. The second location was a meeting location to get access to the Stone's Warden kobold mines. We met Zikke who seemed to be punching a bunch of rocks in practice for cookies at the guidance of the "cookie giving bug." When we met her Dourdruck was meant to give her a jar of Elvira's cookies but in the talking and excitement she didn't have a chance to take it. So Dourdruck kept the jar while we gained access to the mines. The kobold Sika ultimately gave us permission to scour the mines for the rockfolk with a great skepticism while Zikke stood back from an unrelated punishment. After searching the caves we found mineral lickers, these minor elementals that imbue elemental traits until minerals. A varied effect and power depending on what mineral it licks. Either way we searched all over the mines and almost found nothing. At this point we found the lack of evidence suspect to Dourdruck, especially when at the tail end he happened to find a weak wall revealing another large chamber. When we went through a bear revealed itself, clearly its den, we were in danger. Just as we were about to confront Dourdruck a rockfolk beat us to the punch! He grabbed Dourdruck and knocked him out practically. The rockfolk began monologuing about killing us and taking our recallers to use to destroy the rest of First Landing. Unknown to the oversized rock Dourdruck had an recording rod and finally got proof of the creature. Of course the monster started murdering us but I was able to prevent that long enough for a panicked Zikke to find us! She realized that her precious cookies were in Dourdrucks possession and rushed off to get them. When I told a small fib she helped us destroy the creature giant pebble but unfortunately DOurdruck had to recall with the cookies before the fight could end. She will have to get the cookies another time.