The Chapel is Greenside Farmstead's local place of worship, unassuming from outside. There is only one floor, but it is lofty, and there are rafters which allow access to the roof. It seems to be dedicated to multiple deities of nature, agriculture, home and family. 

Within, each one of them has their own altar, all equal in their humble but well-kept appearance, and all bundled together into a singular ensemble. On a first glance, the interior might not appear as a shrine, at all, and instead as a shared living space, but that is not surprising, considering the type of divinity that is worshipped here. 

The opposite side from the entrance looks like a communal kitchen. In the middle of it, there is a rune-carved hearth decorated with grey and orange colours and depictions of young animals. Next to this fireplace, to the right, is a simple table covered in green-and-brown cloth with stag-horns embroidered on it; old bow and arrows rest upon it, in the middle, but they don't disrupt the table's mundane, practical purposes, divorced from any real rituals, ceremonies and formalities. Another shrine is to the left, on another simple table next to the fireplace. Green-and-yellow cloth covers it, featuring sun motifs; a shepherd's crook and a bundle of wheat are placed on top of it, out of the way. Finally, there is a little, beautifully crafted statuette which depicts a woman, coloured red and white, absolutely swarmed by ladybugs. Together with a jug of grapes placed in front of it, seemingly as an offering, this statuette sits close to the hearth. 

A side-room serves as a local hospice; another one is a humble library and the dwelling of Father Kiril, who tends to the Chapel, and Sister Vasilisa, his young granddaughter. 

The villagers of the hamlet made the Chapel into a temporary safehouse, where they hid from the Bogeys and the corrupted Scarecrow. While Greenside is liberated again, the Chapel's protective function remains, just in case.