General Information

Heidrun is a Unknown encountered in Meridian during the quest Taste the Rainbow. She enrolled in the Midday Meal Mayhem cooking show as an independent participant, and took the visiting Adventurers of the Guild - Ishka'tar, Saorie Tylmae, Scrambles, and Mesper Sorgowin - under her wing as her team. Together, they worked to prepare the winning feast, which granted them an audience with two of the Rainbow Knights - the Purple and the Gilded, who were the leaders of two main competing teams.

Personality and Appearance

Heidrun is assertive, strict, and tolerates little. Her voice is surprisingly deep, and there is an imperious air around her, despite her otherwise rural and plain appearance as a commoner.

She wears a garb of earthy and green tones, her hair is a shock of red and ginger, and instead of the more traditional goat horns, she has small antlers growing from her head. Her skin is marked by faint circles, like that of a fawn. 

Heidrun is able to turn into a goat, which produces unusual, but delicious milk. Flowers grow from her ribs and her large, curved horns, and produce enfeebling miasma of rotting, sickly green pollen. 



Primal energies start swirling around Heidrun. Her antler-like horns thicken, extend, and curve. Her back arches, forcing her hands upon the ground, which turn to hooves. Her rough skin sprouts fur, and her hair recedes, only to spread its vibrant red colour all over Heidrun's new form, getting diluted in the process but remaining rather strong around her new extended snout. On one side, her skin tightens, then ruptures, revealing exposed ribs, from which blossoms a whole garden.

- Viktor

Helpers & Other Relations

Heidrun has a Familiar rodent called Ratatouille. He is (sometimes) a bit mischievous; chatty and casual; loves cuddles; and, curiously, seems to understand and speak all languages, including the Old World Common. 


Heidrun often animates her kitchen with magic to help her cook, giving temporary semblance of life to her utensils, pots, pans, dishes, stoves, etc. It also contains a wide variety of alchemical brews and potions. 

Her prized possession is a special animated cauldron, which she uses for cooking and brewing. It features a stern, elongated face, and four webbed, clawed feet. 


Heidrun's downstairs neighbour is Powrie the Butcher. She also knows Lamaia the Shepherdess, who gave her two lambs for her planned Midday Meal Mayhem feast. 

GM Notes


Green Hag

- Heidrun is actually a Green Unknownillusionary disguised as a Unknown, due to the (frankly justified) preconceptions about her vicious, jealous kind. She doesn't share many of their views and goals however, and prefers to spend her days brewing and cooking.

- She retains most of the Green Hag abilities and spells, but has a higher level (probably 7) and herbalism-related skills and feats. She knows additional spells (mostly used for cooking, cleaning, gardening etc, but also for curses), and the Blight ritual. Her Change Shape can turn her into a goat. Exhale Miasma / Enfeebling Humours can be used in the goat form, and are shown as the rotting flowers that grow from her ribs and horns showering her targets with pollen. 

- She is not in a Hag Coven; she might have been in one with her mother, but that's long in the past 

Green Hags hate beauty and purity, so they use disguises and treachery to lure and murder innocents, corrupt the pure of heart, and shatter the minds and morals of their victims. Green Hags create imaginative schemes to utterly ruin anyone who crosses them, as well as good or righteous folk whose very existence insults the Hag’s twisted sensibilities. The complicated scandals perpetuated by Green Hags involve impersonation, mistaken identity, the seduction and betrayal of loved ones, or all these things in combination.


- She used to be an actual Satyr, a Callow May Changeling born of another Green Hag. As she grew older, she started hearing the Call, and joined her mother eventually, turning into a Hag as well. She kept her previous appearance as her illusionary disguise.

- Together with her mother, she created her Familiar called Ratatouille; a Unknown by the name of A Chip Off the Old Block Will Blossom Anew; and a Unknown named Olera the Nourishing. Heidrun views them as her half-siblings, and they are one of the main reasons why she enrolled in Midday Meal Mayhem of Meridian in the first place.

- Ratatouille fell into a cauldron once when Heidrun was brewing a language-related potion, and got permanently infused with an effect similar to the Tongues spell, so he innately comprehends and speaks all languages, including Old World Common. 

Enchanted Kitchen

- Heidrun animates and enchants her kitchen to help her with cooking, because she prefers working alone or with her Familiar, Ratatouille. She has a number of Lucky Kitchen Witches hanging in the room. Her Animated Oven can protect the kitchen, and her utensils, kitchenware and cutlery can swarm and dance around, and even currently prepared food, such as yeast and dough, can come to life. 

- Her cauldron is special, and uses this statblock. It contains the soul of a Boggard named Unknown, who slighted her in the past, whom she cursed. He would visit her herb garden and routinely steal her produce. She caught him multiple times, letting him go because he claimed that he was stealing food for his wife, but then she discovered that this was a lie, and he was a simple glutton and addict. As poetic punishment, she turned him into her cauldron. Heidrun nicknamed him "Toadstool", "Froglegs", "Tadpole", and "Croakpot". Sometimes, especially when the Boggard is more active, the cauldron grows mossy, and the face on its surface becomes more toad-like. 


Other Information 

She is based on Heiðrún, a goat in Norse mythology, who produces mead for the Einherjar and the gods. This is reflected through her being a Satyr, being able to turn into a goat, and being a brewer and producer of nourishment. 

- Another inspiration is the Witch from the "Into the Woods" musical. This is somewhat reflected through her personality, her herbalism lore and gardening skills, her curses, and the Boggard punished for stealing from her garden.