One of the Draxie Sprites, Lady Nacrea is a Fey Châtelaine who rules and protects Dreamwaters under Lord Attys. She is possessed of draconic features - including iridescent scales, wings, horns, and a tail - and brilliant colourations. She has heterochromatic eyes - one purple, one orange. 

Nacrea is adorned in shiny bells and glistening fruits, a leafy skirt, a purplish vest, and a wide-brimmed witchy hat. All manner of herbs, mushrooms and similar natural components is strapped to her belt and her hat. 

She is has a mischievous demeanour and a knack for pulling pranks, though all of them are mostly harmless; as a result of one such prank, she was betrothed to Zinlynndise Imare, though the two decided to go on a date first, and then remain just friends. She can be hyperactive, fluttering about often and never staying in one place for long.

Her Familiar, named Nector, shares this trait, but displays it with even greater intensity. He craves all things sweet, and is quite independent, able to leave her presence for extended periods of time. Nector resembles a colibri bird with draconic features. 


Just like her Draconic forebears, Nacrea enjoys treasures, which she hoards within her home. She also indulges in tasty food, occasionally hosting feasts in her crumbling 'manor'.

She is a skilled spellcaster, able to turn invisible, fling sparks of fire and light, defend her home with powerful protective charms, and conduct complex Druidic rituals. She was seen using a wand of Tree Stride. 

Nacrea was encountered in her lair during the quests A House of Cards and Wildest Dreams; and in First Landing and Meridian, during Taste the Rainbow.