A nomadic druid tribe called the Kallan Stonewalkers stalks the forests and Plains surrounding the Hymbrian Forests. Their ancestral mission branched off the elven colony of Cordelon, to roam the forests and use their druidic magic to protect and nurture the animals and plants therein. Like the tribes ancestral colony, the elves of the Stone walkers over the years intermingled with humans until the nomads were almost entirely human with lingering elven culture and mannerisms. The stone walkers themselves have druids of all specialities, and are quick to adopt any druid that wishes to join their life style. Wild and plant druids are most common.

Due to their nomadic life style on the borders of Kyonin and Hymbria, trists between humans and elves happen all the time. Zinlynndise was born to one such affair between her human father, a storm druid by the name Tunvril Imirare, and her mother, a elven sorceress by the name of Aeonre Aemninus.

Aeonre stayed with the nomads for a few years, but found herself increasingly discontent with such a lifestyle. She was a sorceress, a vagabound and adventurer. Settling down with humans just for her bastard daughter did not suit her in the slightest. After a few years when the infatuation wore off and Lynn was weaned off her milk, Aeonre packed her bags and left. Lynn would have few fond yet distant memories of her mother as she grew up in the care of her now single dad.

The stone walkers continued life as normal. Their nomadic life venturing from Cordelon, Seven Arches, Liberthane, Embeth, and even Galt. Lynn would have many stories to tell, but the life style eventually got periodic and repetitive. The stone walkers walked a path set from their ancestors. Travelling beyond such paths was not what the tribe did. So Lynn upon the cusp of adult hood decided to venture out on her own to find new worlds to explore.