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  1. Locations

Castle Griffon


Located on Griffons Peak in Griffonford. The residence of  The Griffon King and a number of fabulously wealthy nobles and the most exquisite of artisans and specialist merchants.

Rooftop: Includes some of the finest inns and restaurants, exotic and upscale trades and a number of homes belonging to the type of citizens who hope to never have to dirty their feet on the flagstones of the city which is literally and figuratively below them.

Servants scurry about delivering messages or collecting goods. The idle rich are carried on litters, Tenser’s floating discs, griffons and hippogriffs.

The younger members of this caste of society tend to socialise in the Central Quarter and, whilst the usual method of travel between the two is teleportation circles, it has recently become fashionable to riding on one of the cities three flying carpets. Not least because it is an ostentatious display of wealth to the lower classes far below them, with one carpet ride costing 1000gp per person. The carpets are owned by a wealthy foreign merchant who has recently moved to the city. Such is their rarity, it is said the owner would not part with one even when offered 200000gp

Streetside: Called “Lower Rooftop”. Servants quarters and stores.

Understreet: Called “The Dungeons”. Cellars, dungeons and tombs.

Depths: Unknown to many of the residence. Contains passages to the griffon nests, ancient ruins which have been built upon and some say the dwellings of Verminfolk.