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  1. Journals

07 Scarecrows


Session 7

The day of the Autux Festival!

0630 Zaya Flich took Auralie to The Bloody Body, an excellent drinking establishment in Eastwall. They declined playing “Face Punch” and “Kick the Chicken” but did sample the potions of a certain crazy alchemist.

Auralie developed a flowing beard with a pointed moustache and Zaya gained temporary hover powers and the ability to see how much someone needed to go to the toilet. Jr gained flowing feathers for hair and scales on his skin.

Uthal visited the families of the fallen knights and gained their favour.

1000 Suddenly, the population began suffering the effects of the cursed food. The party fought one of the many animated scarecrows and a floating pumpkins.

Zaya Flich realised the centre of the chaos was over by Tollbar and so they ran over, killing scarecrows and pumpkins as they went.

They rounded a corner and were faced with  a Unknown.

Previous Session:06 Sword
Next Session: 08 Windmill