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Kanako was born in 2000, and was raised by her single mother with the aid from the local temple, and an organization called Tsukikage.

She took part in activities from Nippontown's shintoist temple since her early days as a child, being homeschooled by its priests and her family. While studying at the temple she practiced martial arts and the occult teachings. After living with some teenager from her age range, she discovered that her life was not the same as other normal kids. Well, it is not common for a teenage to perfect the art of killing with a katana like she believed it was.

She was trained in various deadly martial arts taught at the temple to be the next Moon Priestess, mastering in the way of the sword. She commonly is the specialist in combat in her Band while using some torture techniques when it’s necessary. She uses her training to fight against the most diverse creatures and spirits from the night as well as to satisfy the kami so she can fulfill her destiny.

As part of her training and background, Kanako has an allegiance with the Tsukikage, the ones who trained her, and vowed to protect the local community from monsters of the night.

Book 1: The World Awakens

Kanako began working for Alexander Zhao as his bodyguard and he also was one of the people who financed the Tsukikage. She got involved in the gang wars in Chicago, forming her band with other soon to be awakened scions.

Her mother was kidnapped by an alfar named Vaenndr, and when confronting him with the aid from Adriana Chopra, they failed to resist his enchantment abilities. Both were dragged to a mansion where he sells people and artifacts to other supernatural organizations, mainly the Ordo Aureum Aurora. She, and the other prisoners were rescued by her Band, and vowed to find Vaenndr and eliminate him.

Kanako struggled to follow her organization's tenets to destroy supernatural creatures, and to follow her teammates, specially Alexander, because he always tries to forge new alliances, even with the so called monsters she dislikes.

After the Red December, She was visited by her father, Tsukiyomi and made a Moon Priestess. He sent her in a quest for self-discovering, and to understand her place in the Heaven Order as a messenger for the gods and protector of humanity.

A New Age Dawns

Kanako wandered the World to learn more about patience, the supernatural creatures commonly called Denizens, and about the million Kami that inhabit the World. Her mission is to protect humanity and be vigilant against evil spirits and monsters. Her father sent her on missions to prepare her for the many battles in the years ahead.

She returned to Chicago after learning new awakened scions are being threatened by titanspawns, and are in need of help from more experienced scions like her.