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  1. Characters

Balthasar Vonburen

Magician of Odin

Balthasar was born in 1998, and after the 9/11 event his family moved to a community of conspiracy theorists that believes the world would end in 2012. When the world as about to "end", he run away to know more about the World, and found a sorcerer cabal, Ordo Aureum Aurora. He never went back to his family.

He started to live between sorcerers, was accepted in their ranks and trained in their arts. Balthasar discovered the World has subtle real magic in it and there are many artifacts that can give mysterious powers to people. One of these artifacts was Skivasvard, a magical two-handed sword that can cut anything, even the distance between two points.

After seeing that the sorcerers from Aureum Aurora were responsible for many supernatural events that caused harm to the people of Chicago, he decided to quit and run away with Skivasvard.

Book 1: The World Awakens

When the Band meddled in a sorcerer's ritual to expand their power over the Ley Lines of Chicago, Balthasar discovered he was not alone in opposing the Ordo Aureum Aurora. He seek the Band and explained what the Ordo is capable off.

He also helped the Band deal with the theft of the Codex Draco Rubrum, a book stolen from the socerers that would be used to make another ritual to control even more Ley Lines. Balthasar became an ally an a member of the Band.

After the last fight against the Red Hand, the ones responsible for the book theft, Balthasar received the visitation from Wotan, Odin himself, disguised as Santa Claus explaining to him that the sword was a way to discover who would be worth to be his new Scion.

A New Age Dawns

Balthasar went into a quest for knowledge, searching for ancient texts, sorcery, and Terra Incognitae. He found many things and learned many other things, but still couldn't find access to the Terra Incognitae. Odin wasn't much helpful either, always working in riddles.

Other Information

  • Participated Sessions: 5.