1. Timelines

Overall History of the World

World chronicle

First Age (I) < 0

The First Age, also called the Golden Age, the First Age, the Immortal Age, the Deshenite Era, and the Antediluvian, was the period of time from the creation of El-Bayir to the beginning of the Second Age.

Second Age (II) 3,049 — 3,997

The Second Age was an age dominated by the War of the Gods. The Second Age encompasses the War of the Gods and the twilight of the Deshenite Kingdom, culminating with the Fall of the Kingdom of Mankind and the Great Flood

Third Age (III) 3,998 — 8,272

The Third Age, also called the Age of the Octarchy, the Age of Magic, the Age of the Broken Moon, the Age of Tovun, and the Summer of Man, was the third age of the World. It was defined by the rise and dominance of eight great cities whose peoples utilized powerful magics to rule the majority of the world. 

Fourth Age (IV) 8,273 — 12,572

The Age of Beldkind, also called the Postbellum, the Fourth Age, or the Autumn of Man, was the Age which succeeded the Third Age.

  • Dark Age of Man IV 1 - IV 1000

    The Dark Age of Man is a historiographical term which is loosely applied to describe the first millennium of the Fourth Age.

Fifth Age (V) > 12,573

The Fifth Age, or the Age of the Empire, is the current age. It is defined by the rise and dominance of the Empire of Pelegon over Yekare.