1. Organizations

Brotherhood of Mankind

Military Order

When peace fails, then there is the sword.

Creed of the Brotherhood

The Brotherhood of Mankind is the armed wing of the Order of Beld, consisting of paladins and clerics sworn to serve Beld and seek out and destroy evil. The Brotherhood is small, but incredibly formidable due to the high skill of its members. It is a secretive and exclusive order, with small outposts across the World. Knights of the Brotherhood usually specialize in one-handed swordsmanship, making use of long and expertly made dueling swords called the Kudyal


Like the Priests of Beld, Knights of the Brotherhood are encouraged to design their own armor and attire as acts of self-expression, causing great variation across its various agents. However, the universal uniform calls for a large cloak which covers most of the body and is inlaid with padding to act as armor and shielding. In combat, the side with the sword hand is pulled back to allow the Knight to use their sword. These cloaks are often elaborately decorated with artistic patterns and scenes.

All characters that are members of this organization.