
The Isle of Lament is one of the Triton Isles. It is nearly completely covered by the castle Lysos' Lament.

Lysos' Lament is the castle of House Loveborn. It is located on an island south of Archoria. Lysos' Lament was built by Lysos Apydon, the founder of House Apydon. According to legend, he fell in love with a Sea Elf princess of the deep-sea realms, however she was forced by her father to return to the sea and marry a noble for political purposes. As compensation for the loss of love, the Sea Elf King granted Lysos the island and constructed a castle on it. Ironically, Lysos I could not stand the castle, as it was a constant reminder of his lost love. Due to this, he granted it to the bastard he had sired with the Princess, named Talia, and granted the castle to her descendants.