

Fangardh (Fan Gardh) in Elvish script


Banner of Fangardh


Crest of the House of Sylvanion, rulers of Fangardh

General AlignmentLawful good
TypeAbsolute monarchy
Head of State

King Under the Stars:

CapitalFan Gardh (city-state)

Silver Elf


Elvish, Celestial


Faith of Sirda

Fangardh (written in Elvish as Fan Gardh), also called the Kingdom Under the Stars or the Starlight Coast, is a kingdom of Elves which is located on the western coast of Yekare. It is one of the Three Great Elvish Realms, founded following the Exile of the Elves. It is ruled by Sylvanion. The realm is prohibitively hard to reach, sitting with coastline on one side and imposing mountains on the other, and no foreigners are permitted to enter the Kingdom unless given express permission by its King. 

Following the Division of the Exiles, Fangardh and his followers received a vision from Beld of a coast brightly lit by starlight, where the sand is intermixed with glittering gems of pure starlight. He and his host walked for years, until, at long last, they came upon the Starlight Coast, founding their ancient city-kingdom. Since then, Sylvanion has ruled as King Under the Stars. By day, the realm is a grand city on the mountainous rocky coast, with vast terraces and buildings carved into the mountains and great bridges connecting it all. But at night, the gems in the ground shine with reflected starlight, giving the realm a pure and holy radiance. The Elves of Fangardh are also great sailors and navigators, and are responsible for much of the world's maps. Most seafaring and coastal cultures and peoples have legends of encountering angelic and graceful Elves on the seas or at their shores.

The Elves of Fangardh are visually distinct. Imbued with the light of the stars themselves, they seem to give off a sort of holy radiance, and are seen as fair and beautiful even by Elven standards. Their lives are also incredibly lengthy, with some being known to live to see 5,000 years. Fangardh is widely seen as the "Heart of Elvendom in Lu'ud".

Fan Gardh is Elvish for "Starlight Coast" or "Coast of Starlight". 



The throne room of Fangardh


Soldiers of Fangardh wear silver-blue armor


The Elves of Fangardh often ride deer and elk instead of horses