1. Events

Ennoblement Tragedy


The Ennoblement Tragedy, also called the Ennoblement Regicide, was the assassination of Adrastus III on the night of the ennoblement of Lord Protectors of 400 as Protectors of the Realm. The murder was executed by two lycanthropes in service to the Dark Lord Malagazh, Cleon Kalimos and Berg'fein, who murdered the Shahanshah, his wife Arthi Arcanos, and their son Deshion Pelegon. The murder was executed to implicate Cordos, the next in line to the throne after his nephew, and almost succeeded in doing so, however it was foiled by the new Protectors of the Realm.


Shahanshah Adrastus III, his wife and Shahanshah-consort Arthi Arcanos, his son and heir Prince Deshion, Commander of the Falcon Guard Andrew Andaghos, and servant Selathan Hun'ath were the victims of the Ennoblement Tragedy