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  1. Characters

Marcella Loreweaver

  • She's a high elf of a minor noble family from Waterdeep. Her mother died during her birth, and her father squandered away her family's wealth with a single-minded obsession with hunting down a vast treasure that legend holds was hidden by his ancestors. 
  • The youngest of three children, kept her family financially afloat despite her father's inflated spending by teaching herself about bookkeeping and money-lending at any early age. 
  • Her acumen eventually led her to run the city's accounts for several years, though she left after her father and brothers recently disappeared on an expedition again seeking her fabled family treasure. 
  • She's in search of something more meaningful than the city treasury. I picture a tall elf with classic Tolkien features (high cheekbones and all that), again somewhere in her 40s... young for an elf. 
  • Though her inherited wealth may have been squandered, she did have a well-paying job and her clothing and demeanor are both betray her noble heritage