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  1. Races



These orc - human crossbreeds can be found in either society (where their status varies according to local sentiments), or in communities of their own. Half-Orcs usually inherit a good blend of the physical characteristics of their parents. They are as tall as humans and a little heavier, thanks to their muscle. They usually have the skin pigmentation, sloping foreheads, jutting jaws, prominent teeth and coarse body hair of their Orc parent. Half-Orcs who have lived among or near orcs have scars, in keeping with orcish tradition.

On the entire known plane of Avalorn, Half-Orcs are typically only welcomed or trusted in two areas. The first is the Free States of Belhaven, where anyone can move about freely so long as they do not cause trouble. The second, is the Orc Tribal Lands. Here, though, they are watched with a great deal of suspicion as they are thought to be spies for the other kingdoms.