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The Peas is an adventuring party in Hazeron, formed in Gessaria. The party derived its name from the ridiculous amount of peas its members continually carried around and left behind.


Current Members

Past Members









The Peas were mainly formed out of circumstance and convenience; the majority of the party (Phaelnah, Journey, Wander, Leadbelly, and Eugene) originally met each other when sailing to Gessaria from Atavar on the Tevari Port Town, the group accepted a contract with Kradva Ospen to keep the diplomat safe on his journey to Madrioc (see Road to Madrioc). While investigating the kidnapping of Merin Lavelle, the party rescued Seamus from a bandit ship. During their investigation of the Caustic Bandits, they found a crate full of dried peas, which Eugene and Seamus both grabbed loads of. During his escape from the Tevari Isles, Seamus filled a giant sack full of the peas. The peas became part of many things the party did, and thus, the name started to stick.

Throughout their adventures, peas are constantly used to check for traps, solve puzzles, and even fight with. Peas are also often left behind by the team, almost like a calling card, usually by Seamus.

Eugene left the group after being resurrected by the god Gulchax and becoming his champion. After defeating Tarisi he flew off into the sky, eventually going on to serve the whims of his master.

Grognock was lost by the party in the Lake Faelance Fectern Altar nearby Peralas, apparently crushed by a large boulder.

Months later, the bag of peas was still quite full. It was used to great effect in the Tomb of Zelvass to scan for traps. Wander has flirted with the idea of establishing a more inspiring group name, but so for nothing seems to have changed.