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Vardev is a small port city that is just past the mouth of the Cirin River in the Nightspell Moors. It is controlled mainly by the Miner's Guild which facilitates various mining operations in the area, but mostly peat mining. The mining faction in control of Vardev is known as the Thurimbane. Larges walls surround the city, patrolled mainly by the Mercenaries Guild, and port trade is generally controlled by the Trader's Guild. The Trader's guild pays a tithe to the city as a result.

There are various shops and inns around the city.

  • Inns (Visited)
    • The Velvet Hat
    • The Iron Spike
    • The Leaky Hose
    • The Dripping Cat
    • Oflen's Tavern
    • The Tappelini
    • Gort's Drink Place