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Tevari Port Town is a small town on an island in the far south of the Nightspell Moors. According to Lyria Hwindelwen, the population is mostly human, and most people tend not to stay in town long. The town operates under the wing of the Traders Guild.


The town is obviously a fishing town, and lines of tents containing all manner of sea life run along the river that cuts through the middle of the town. The smell of the sea permeates throughout the claustrophobic streets.


The township of Tevari Port Town actually presides over all of the surrounding Tevari Isles, which effectively function as one, spread out town. Ventrex Caustar's claims as the mayor of Olir are completely without merit in the eyes of the local government.

In the township proper, all sale of weaponry and magic is banned. Instead, adventurers must head to Havarson's Keep a few miles down the road if they wish to purchase any such goods. For some reason, the sale of weapons is prohibited within the city limits. Lyria Hwindelwen claims this is to keep the town peaceful and happy. 

The town does not have an active militia, but the soldiers at the keep may declare martial law if a suitable emergency arises. The keep is the town's sole protector, but given the low value of the area, it is usually sufficient.

Tevari Port Town functions as a minimal trade nexus, and is mostly a pit stop for trade ships originating from Atavar that which to avoid the exorbitant taxes of Shalaen Orsa on their way around the coast of the Moors. As a result, there are many docks in the town, and trade boats are constantly pulling in and setting sail. The ports on the northern side of town offer ferries to the surrounding islands as well as to the Lurkertail, the south end of the Nightspell Moors. Tevari Port Town is popular destination for those seeking quick, cheap access from Atavar to Gessaria via the Fissured Sea, despite its dangers.


Nothing is known yet about how the town was established. 

Tevari Port Town and the surrounding isles were plagued by bandits hired by Ventrex Caustar, who were kidnapping people seemingly randomly. The Peas intervened in at least one of these kidnappings, that of Merin Lavelle, after defeating the goblin mage Kreegal.

The Peas learned that at some point, Tevari Port Town was destroyed by the battle between the forces of the Rain Knight and Ventrex Caustar. The fate of much of the populace remains unknown, but from testimony given by refugees such as Merin Lavelle and Lyria Hwindelwen, many are assumed to be dead.

Known Survivors

Assumed Deceased

Fate Unknown

Notable Places.

Advar's Tavern is located in the southeast of the town.

Kerimtin the wizard has a magic shop located outside of Havarson's Keep.

There is a meager clothing store in the township.

William and Merin Lavelle have a map shop on the outskirts of town.