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  1. Locations

Slaghead Island


Slaghead Island is an island located in the Unknown, itself located in the Isles of Wrath. It is a dangerous island that has been twisted and warped by powerful energies and magic, but holds a number of secrets and treasures from a long lost civilization.

Environment and Ecology

Slaghead is a terribly cold island at all times of year, with no apparent cause. Fonts of molten metals spring from the earth at random locations, freezing quickly in the frigid air and forming strange structures that resemble unsettling silhouettes. Patrolling the island are highly territorial beasts of steel that use the metal fonts as food.

The island is covered in the ruins of a lost civilization, potentially dating back hundreds of years. Alongside a multitude of broken stone buildings, the ground is littered with shards of broken mirrors.


Long ago, some civilization made their home on the island before it fell into ruin.

In Iron 951, the wizard Selathwin Muleyr led an expedition to the island alongside a large group of adventurers that had previously been affected by ley line magic, including the adventuring party the Peas, the Rain Knight, the high priest of Hymathel Father Falis, Leidren Mefkat, and Kalkot Effintuff. The goal of the expedition was to find the Temple of the Earth, as it held valuable information about ley lines.

In Iron 956, a group of elven druids created a small temple of purification at the former site of the Colossus, not far from where Abrax sat. After their failed attempts to undo Abrax's corruption, they established the temple to assist any who might attempt this challenge.