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The Ceontir Bastion is a large keep located on Endyr Island, facing northeast towards the ocean and the Isles of Wrath. The bastion is the main defense against the isles for Sanaris, and is operated by the members of the Vigilant Dragon.

The bastion is well-equipped to deal with many of the horrors that spawn from the Isles of Wrath.


The bastion is comprised of a number of structures with various purposes. Running alongside the cliffs facing the ocean is a mighty darkstone wall, weathered by time. A large set of ancient gates made of stone and bronze and adorned with the crest of House Zelvass protects passage to the sea.

A large, darkstone keep looks over the gate from the top of the seaside cliff. The keep is covered in ivy and moss, and has a number of battlements that face the sea in order to respond to siege. The interior of the keep is filled with a number of rooms from kitchens to training grounds. Many rooms of the keep cannot be accessed without a member of the Zelvass bloodline and the Sigil of Zelvass.

A number of towers surround the keep and are connected to it at various levels, each providing vantage points and murder holes to answer invasions. Some of the towers are fitted to specific purposes, including a healer's tower and a messenger tower that raises hawks.

A "village" of fortified stone is connected to the tower at its base, providing a relatively safe place for families to make their homes in the keep. The village has limited access to the exterior of the keep save for a few fortified gates leading to the hallways of its interior. While the main keep extends many levels into the sky, the village only rises about 3 stories. Each level of the village has a hallway that leads to a fortification deep in the main body of the keep.

The courtyard of the keep has a number of training grounds, as well as a care-for shrine to the goddess Aeltra. Beyond the keep lies a dark and lush forest.


The Ceon'tir Bastion was founded during the monarchies of old Sanaris to fight off the monstrosities emerging from the Isles of Wrath. It was left untouched during the rebellion against House Zelvass due to its importance. After the coup, the new Sanarian government began to circulate rumors that the island was abandoned and haunted to prevent people from attempting travel there.

The bastion began to function without aid from the Sanarian government, using their limited resources to farm and sustain themselves.

The arrival of Seamus McHammerface through the gates marked a turning point for the bastion, with the members of the Vigilant Dragon pledging themselves in his service after he was able to open a chamber deep in the keep that affirmed the royalty in his blood.