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The Tomb of Zelvass is a sprawling underground complex in Shiloae, or the Bitterwood. It is a magically infused tomb that houses the final resting place of the Zelvass family who were once the rulers of Sanaris. It was enchanted by a member of the family, Yyn'hesva the Magician, to prevent it from being found and pillaged by outsiders. Each tomb seemed to contain different magic and rules that impeded further progress through the crypt.



The majority of the royal family of House Zelvass was murdered in an uprising of followers of Fectovarano many years ago. Their bodies, or perhaps their spirits, were taken to be placed in a tomb honoring them by those loyal to the crown. While this was not a traditional method of elven burial, it was done so that their graves would not be defiled by the rebellion.

At some point, when Yen'hesva was having the tomb built, he discovered