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The Crooked Climb is a large wizard's tower in the Spiral Ward of Madrioc, and is the base of operations for the Mages Guild. It contains a number facilities for use by wizards of the guild, and also functions as a magical academy. The leader of the Mages Guild Renbedar Uleshan has an office at the very top of the tower.

The tower gets its name from its somewhat lopsided construction; various additions built upon the base tower jut outwards from its otherwise straight design, giving it the appearance of being bent at certain points.

The tower contains a number of useful facilities for those in the academy or the Mages Guild, including:

  • Some alchemical labs (4th floor)
  • Various classrooms
  • A vast library (4th-6th floor)
  • Casting practice ranges (Basement floors)

Due to some sort of spell, the casting ranges in the basement seems to extend downwards seemingly endlessly. Some wizards who have ventured far down into the tower report having found some sort of dungeon in the depths, while others have been reported to never return at all. Most believe these to be tall tales, however.