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A magic weapon. Requires attunement.


A beautiful longbow of polished wood with inlaid platinum in the shape of flowering ivy.


When in use, the platinum ivy grows and branches off the bow, winding around the user’s arm and steadying their aim. The bow has incredible range, able to hit targets up to 200 feet away with no penalty, and targets up to 800 feet with disadvantage.

This item has 3 charges. At the cost of one charge, the platinum ivy can be commanded to attach itself to an arrow, creating a tether of sorts. Arrows shot with the ivy will become coated in a sort of liquid platinum, which will hook into whatever target they hit. On hitting a creature with this ability, the creature must make a DC 20 Dexterity or Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is considered restrained, but may move if they succeed in a contested Strength check against the wielder, pulling them along if they do not release the bind, which may be done as a Reaction or Bonus Action. Veravine regains 1d4-1 charges each day at dawn.

The platinum has a powerful tensile strength, but can be severed with a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check. Any platinum that is severed from the bow immediately turns to ash.

Weapon Statistics

+1 Longbow. Magic. Heavy. Two-handed. Range, 200/800. On hit: 1d8+1 piercing damage.


Seamus McHammerface, as Murica, received this weapon from Llawayas Eir’dun in return for their help in delivering the aid caravans to Peralas. Murica quickly attuned to the weapon.

During the devil's attack outside the Tomb of Zelvass, the enchantment on the bow was revealed to have been corrupted. Seamus quickly threw the bow away, but retrieved it later and had the enchantment cleansed and upgraded by Avelos the Learned.

“Violence need not be ugly.”
~ The Crying King