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  1. Objects

Symbol of Ezan

Wondrous Item

A wondrous item.


A small scepter that appears to be crafted finely from silver. The head of the scepter is formed into the image of a long-haired woman holding a gleaming white orb, which is some sort of gem. The scepter is about the size of a large spoon.


Creatures who grasp the scepter must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, any glamour or illusion obscuring the true form of the creature is dispelled until the scepter is released. Additionally, the affected creature will radiate bright light in a 10 foot radius for 10 minutes. After the effect fades, the creature may not be affected by the scepter for 15 days.

The light of the scepter is a pure white, and reveals invisible objects in its radius.


Tyerjon received the scepter from Pelwey Galaewyn as a parting gift of good faith between the Peas and the Lucent Hand.

Tyerjon forgot he had the item for a time, until one day suddenly he suddenly recalled its existence, asking Wander to identify it. When Wander touched the scepter, he began glowing a with a bright light, but Tyerjon, despite touching it, did not. Curiously, Journey did not light up either, but Seamus did, undoing his transformation into Murica, bursting through his clothes.

“I hope she can guide and protect you through your darkness.”
~ Pelwey Galaewyn, Acolyte of Ezan